power of attorney

Planning for the unforeseen
What happens if you are away from home when documents need to be signed or you are suffering from an illness or injury that affects your ability to make decisions? Giving someone an enduring power of attorney allows for your wishes to be carried out if you lose the capacity to make decisions yourself. Your attorney will have the power to make decisions in your interest and to sign necessary financial documents.
At Bainbridge Legal we have experience in the preparation, execution and revocation of general power of attorney, enduring power of attorney and guardianship appointments.
We have solicitors available seven days a week to assist you in your legal matter.
power of attorney
What is a power of attorney?
A power of attorney is a legal document made by one person that allows another person to do things with the first person's money, bank accounts, shares, real estate and other assets. An attorney appointed under a power of attorney can make financial decisions on your behalf such as operating your bank account or selling your house.
Whether you need a general power of attorney, an enduring power of attorney, or whether you need to revoke an existing power of attorney, Bainbridge Legal is available to assist you with all your drafting needs.

Guardianship appointments
If you lose the capacity to make your own decisions, an enduring guardian can make health and lifestyle decisions on your behalf, such as where you should live and what medical treatment and services you should receive. The appointment of an enduring guardian can only be revoked at the request of the person appointed as enduring guardian or if the Guardianship Tribunal is satisfied that revocation is in the best interests of the person.
Bainbridge Legal is available to assist you with all your enduring guardianship needs.
enduring guardianship and power of attorney
Bainbridge Legal can assist you in any legal matter, including drafting and advice on enduring power of attorney, general power of attorney, enduring guardian appointments and applications before the Guardianship Division of the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal.