Are you looking for a notary public in Blacktown?

In New South Wales, a Notary Public is a lawyer admitted to practice in the State, who is appointed by the Supreme Court of New South Wales with statutory powers to witness documents, administer oaths, and perform other functions, for the purposes of verifying or certifying administrative documents used outside Australian borders.
Public notary services
We are available to assist in the following matters:

What is a public notary?
A Notary Public is a qualified legal professional who can authenticate and certify documents, administer oaths, and perform other acts depending on the jurisdiction. Documents certified by a public notary can be used in foreign jurisdictions. Public notaries .
located next to blacktown police station
Bainbridge Legal Blacktown is located at 20/15-17 Kildare Road Blacktown. The most convenient parking location is in the multi-level car park in the shopping centre - Westpoint Blacktown. Call and make an appointment to see our Sydney public notary today.